Thursday 14th August 2020 Update
Thursday 14th August “OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS” News Update
Following on from our recent post re “Pay per View” we would firstly like to thank everyone everyone who has signed up. Please be aware that if you want to watch this weeks show then you will have to apply for membership by Saturday 1.00 pm to allow us to complete all the necessary administration. Please also be aware that you have to be a friend on Facebook to join a closed group. If you are not already a friend you can either request to be a friend OLD DOGS NEW TRICKS or you can request to join from the relevant page - Gold, Silver or Bronze. This week however due to some unexpected software issues we will be broadcasting to everyone from the Gold site so you will also be sent an invitation to join the Gold site. Once you accept the invitation then you will be up and running and just have to open the Gold site to view the show. We are sorry for the inconvenience but hope that you enjoy the show.
Gold Membership - 25 GBP per month paid in advance which will include 1 live show per week, midweek live with ODNT in their studio rehearsing and taking requests, out & about with ODNT showcasing Tenerife and the chance to communicate with ODNT while they are live on Facebook for 4 weeks immediately following date of joining.
Silver Membership - 15 GBP per month paid in advance which will include 1 live show/ per week for 4 Saturdays immediately following date of joining.
Bronze Membership - 5 GBP per view paid in advance - simply dip in and out when it suits you - you will be able to view the show on the Saturday immediately after joining
To join simply click on the links below and then pay using your PayPal Account if you have one or your Credit/Debit Card.
We look forward to entertaining you from The Green Corner in Los Gigantes this Saturday15th August - many thanks to Paul and Ronnie for providing us with a venue.
All revenues from this will be credited to ODNT Business Account and they will be solely responsible for all taxes on revenue raised.

Urgent News Flash 08/08/2020

Due to the dreaded CoronaVirus and UK quarantine, things are extremely quiet here in Tenerife which means bars cannot afford to pay for Live Music which is why we were cancelled tonight at The Green Corner - there just aren't enough people. Our choices are very simple we either create a new business model or we retire. We suggested on Facebook that we might have to retire as we are no longer earning any money but still have to pay 610€/month national Insurance. This obviously makes no sense as we cannot afford to pay this out with nothing coming in and we have no idea when we will next be working. However we have been deluged with messages of support and we are trying to find a way to get our music out to you and earn enough to make it worthwhile. We have come to an amicable arrangement with The Green Corner which will allow us to Live Stream our show every Saturday which you will be able to watch either live or at your leisure. To facilitate this we plan to set up a ODNT Fan Club with an exclusive membership. We think a fee of around 25 pounds a month would make this a viable proposition. We are currently looking at various hosting platforms and will be making an early decision. We would like to get this set up before next Saturday so that you can sit back and enjoy the show or put on your dancing shoes and boogie round your kitchen. Please watch this space if you are interested and I will post the information a.s.a.p.

Attention all Scottish fans!!!

Just a reminder that we will be performing in Glasgow at Mount Vernon Bowling Club on Friday 6th March. Tickets are only a fiver and the event is a fund raiser for our best friends daughter. Please get on the phone now and reserve your tickets - call Rhona on07912509885 or Rachel on 07944421169. Come and relive your holiday nights dancing to the music of "olddogs-newtricks". Let us bring a little Tenerife sunshine into your lives.

By the way we are looking to borrow two mike stands for the night. If you can help please call Rhona on the above number.

Best wishes - Bob & Jillodnt1.jpg

Special Event

On Friday March 6th the "olddogs" will be performing their very first gig in Scotland at Mount Vernon Bowling Club in Glasgow. It is a very special event to help raise money to help our friends Robert & Rhona Cunningham's daughter who has been selected to represent WAGGS (World Association of Girl Guides & Girl scouts) for GOLD (Guiding Overseas Linked with Development). Rachel has been chosen to assist with the retention of leaders, developing confidence, leadership & decision making in girls and developing the Young Leader section.

Tickets cost 5.00 GBP each for the event can be reserved or purchased by contacting Rhona Cunningham on 07912509885 or or Rachel Cunningham on 07944421169.

Please reserve your tickets as soon as possible as numbers are limited and we would love to see as many of our Scottish fans, friends and family as possible.

End of Year Update

Well here we are almost at the end of yet another eventful year and we are looking forward to performing in the Plaza on New Years Eve from 9.00 - 10.30, followed by a few glasses of champagne. Yet again we are back up to 5 nights a week as we have added a "Sundowner" gig at The Bambu Bar on a Thursday evening between 5.30 and 7.30 - no rest for the wicked. The bar is in the San Francisco Commercial Centre, Puerto Santiago upstairs from the Hiperdino Supermarket and just up the hill from the Mercadona. Excellent views for watching the sun go down over Gomera. Since leaving Route 66 we have been pleased to play at several new venues, some of which have been successful and some which for various reasons just did not work but it was fun trying. La Paella Rustica on the harbour in Los Gigantes and Las Rosas in Puerto Santiago have been particularly successful.

We are looking forward to 2020 and hoping that the dreaded Brexit won't affect business too much although we are being informed that advance hotel bookings are down drastically!! Hopefully the exchange rate will improve again and we will see bookings rise.

Maureen (Roadie) has as always been here to support us at performances and house/dog sit to allow us to have the occasional break or two or three for which we are eternally grateful.

Both surviving doge are getting old as are the two surviving cats but they soldier on. Both Jill and I are now officially OAP's but at the moment have no intention of retiring as long as our health allows us to continue and we look forward to entertaining you throughout the year.




Please see below our latest news

August 2019 Update

We're back to 5 nights a week and enjoying every minute of it - much better than sitting at home watching TV. Also I have to say that it has been the most enjoyable summer that we've had in our 17 years on the island with great audiences so thank you all. Click on the title link to read more!More >
May 2019 Update

Route 66 has now reopened and will have live music every night but unfortunately not from "olddogs-newtricks". However we will be performing just round the corner at The Royal Bar which is opposite The Tamaimo, under the Balcon Apartments and next to the Parafarmacia, every Thursday night from 9.30 pm until 11.00 pm. More >
No more music at Route 66

Please note that there will be NO MORE live music at Route 66 in Playa Santiago as of 11th April 2019. The decision has been taken by the owner. Apologies to everyone who was hoping to see us there and we will update if and when we find a new venue. Click on the title link to find out moreMore >
April 2019 Update

We have a new venue to our normal venues of Route 66 every Sun, Tues & Thurs and The Green Corner every Sat. - we can now be found at La Paella Rustico on the harbour in Los Gigantes every 2nd Fri. from 9.00 pm til 11.00 pm. Click on the title link to find out moreMore >
News Update 30th Jan 2019

Please note that ODNT have returned to Route 66 every Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs but like Brexit the negotiations are continuing so watch this page for the latest updates. More >
January 2019 Update

Unfortunately due to the owner of Route 66 wanting to cut our fee by 40% we have reluctantly decided we will not, for the time being, be performing at Route 66. Should he come back with an improved offer we will consider returning. We will keep you informed if there are any changes. Click on the title link to find out more.More >
Look This Good in our T-shirts

You too can look this good if you get your old dogs-newtricks T-shirt.More >
New Additions to T-shirt Range

Proud to announce new additions to old dogs new tricks t-shirt range, Route 66 and The Green Room which are now available on Amazon!More >
New T-Shirts available on Amazon

Proud to announce our new Old Dogs New Tricks Tenerife T-Shirts are now available on Amazon!More >
Spring 2018 Update 2

Well it has been a roller coaster year so far with lots of ups and downs. Click on the title link to find out more about what's been happening.More >
Spring 2018 Update

Where has the time gone? Lots of things have happened since the last News Update so click on the title to find out what we've been up to!More >
Summer 2017 Update

Interesting how rumours start and facts get twisted. Here's the word from the "Dogs".....Yes, we are selling our house. Looking ahead to the next 15 years, it is time to downsize and release some capital. No, we are not leaving the Canary Islands. No, we are NOT retiring. We may slow down a bit, but we plan to keep performing for as long as we can play guitar and sing. Click title to read moreMore >
Spring 2017 Update

Well it has been an eventful few months since the last update. Both Bob & Jill have celebrated birthdays with Bob throwing a party in the UK to mark his 70th birthday. Click on the title to find out what else has been happening!More >
March 2017 Update

Tenerife is still very busy, as are we with another great night at the recent Los Gigantes Carnaval. Lots of changes, the main one being we are selling our house but don't worry we have no plans to retire or return to the UK aside from our upcoming visit to celebrate Bob's 70th! Click title to read moreMore >
January 2017 Update

Some good & some bad news. Sadly, December saw us lose our very dear friend Sally just before Christmas. A better start for the New Year with a great night in The Plaza, Los Gigantes then the news that our good friend Elaine Husband, who organised the Help for Heroes Charity Balls, was awarded the British Empire Medal in the New Years Honours List. Click title to read moreMore >
October 2016 Update

Firstly apologies for lack of updates, time just flies when you are having fun! Lots has happened over the summer months including holidays, another great performance at The Plaza, new songs and revision surgery for Bob. Click on the title to read more.More >
May 2016 Update

Well long time no update but time just seems to be flying by. Full houses at both Route 66 and Highland Paddy until Easter but since then it has been a bit up and down with neither rhyme nor reason as to why. Jill’s guitar playing is coming along nicely and certainly adds a new dimension to the show. More >
March 2016 Update

A rollercoaster start to the year with amazing crowds at both Highland Paddy & Route 66. Most nights standing room only from within 15 minutes of taking the stage - what more can we ask for? Click on the title to read more.More >


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